Every year, the majority of taxpayers file their returns with the IRS between by the April due date. However, the IRS does not just take taxpayers’ word regarding the information on their returns.
For this reason, tax season is followed by “matching season,” when the IRS attempts to match the information on each taxpayer’s return with the information received from the various returns that other entities (employers, brokerage firms and banks, educational institutions, the insurance marketplace, etc.) have filed. The goal is to identify possible accidental oversights and intentional omissions.
When the IRS finds a discrepancy, it sends the taxpayer one of many form letters to detail the discrepancy and to describe the options for dealing with the issue.
Is the letter real or an IRS Scam?
Thieves know that this is the time of year when the IRS sends correspondence to taxpayers, so they are sending fake letters to trick people into making payments on bogus tax liabilities. As a result, taxpayers need to be very careful to avoid being fooled by these scammers. The best practice is to have a tax professional review any letter that you receive before you take any action. If the letter is real, it requires a timely response, but if it is fake, it should be ignored.
These scammers take advantage of the anxiety that comes with receiving a letter from the IRS; they are counting on the likelihood that you will rush to make the potential problem go away. For instance, most of these fake letters demand immediate payment and threaten arrest if payment isn’t made. Such language should make your scam alarm go off, however; the IRS never demands immediate payment or threatens arrest. These thieves also often ask individuals to make payments by providing them with the serial numbers of prepaid stored-value cards. This allows them to quickly access the money and then vanish. Any such request should also alert you to the scam attempt, as the IRS would never collect payments that way.
We encourage you to educate your family members – especially older ones – about these fake letters so that they do not fall for the scam.
Of course, it goes without saying that, if you receive a real letter from the IRS, you should not procrastinate. A timely response is necessary to prevent the IRS from escalating the situation.
The Next Step
We strongly recommend you contact East Coast Tax Consulting Group if you receive any correspondence from the IRS so that we can review its validity and, if necessary, respond to it in a timely and proper manner. In addition, beware of phone calls, texts, and e-mails claiming to be from the IRS; this should also set off a scam alarm, as the first contact from the IRS on a given matter is always by U.S. mail. These clever crooks are trying to separate you from your money, but you can stop that from happening. Be cautious. Don’t fall for a IRS scam.