Sometimes unforeseen circumstances can create financial hardships that make it difficult for individuals and businesses to meet their tax obligations. To alleviate some of the financial strain, the IRS offers a Tax Forgiveness Program, officially known as an Offer in…
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Facing IRS tax problems can be a stressful and complex situation, and you might think you need the help of a tax attorney. While tax attorneys can provide valuable assistance and expertise, they may not be necessary or affordable for…
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Tax audits are often the stuff of nightmares for many taxpayers. The idea of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) combing through your financial records and scrutinizing your tax returns can be intimidating. One common question that arises is, "How far…
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Choosing a tax resolution company can feel overwhelming, especially when dealing with complicated tax issues. Tax resolution companies can help individuals and businesses negotiate with the IRS to reduce their tax debts and resolve their tax problems. Here are some…
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The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is responsible for ensuring that taxpayers comply with tax laws and regulations. To accomplish this, the IRS employs two types of professionals who work with taxpayers: Revenue Agents and Revenue Officers. While both Revenue Agents…
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Dealing with back IRS tax debt can be a daunting task, but it is important to take action and address the issue as soon as possible. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is known for its strict enforcement of tax laws,…
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If you owe back taxes to the IRS, you may be wondering what actions they can take to collect the money from you. The truth is, the IRS has a wide range of options when it comes to collecting back…
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Have you received a notice from the IRS regarding a tax debt? If so, what should your next steps be? An IRS tax settlement is one of the best ways to resolve your tax debt. Let’s look closely at tax…
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We often meet with taxpayers that would like to have their tax problems solved with an offer in compromise. While an offer in compromise is an excellent way for qualified taxpayers to settle back tax debt for much less than…
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If you owe taxes to the Internal Revenue Service, you are probably already aware that they are going to be aggressive when trying to collect. That said, it is important to be proactive and find ways to get the tax…
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